Posts tagged 401k and IRA
How Much Money Do I Need in My 401k When I Retire?

If you are the kind of person that must plan ahead to ensure your family will have enough money to live on, AND you are not blessed with the gift of foresight, you’ve likely spent a few sleepless nights wondering if you have saved enough for retirement. To go along with those restless nights are a multitude of “what-ifs” that begin to creep in. With all that in mind, this article will explore a few rules of thumb and techniques used to estimate how much a retiree will need to have saved so that their nest egg lasts their lifetime.

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What should I do with my 401(k) when I retire?

So, you’ve finally let the company know that you are ready to retire. You’ve given them notice of your last day and now they are scrambling to make sure they are prepared for your departure.

You’ve already done your planning. You know your plan looks great and you are ready to take some well-deserved time for yourself. But have you thought of everything? What about that 401k – what are your options? Should you rollover your IRA or keep it in the plan? Or maybe you cash it out and take that trip of a lifetime you’ve always wanted to do? Let’s take a look at your options.

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To Roth or Not to Roth... That is the Question

As a fee-only financial planning firm, we spend significant time assisting clients with tax planning - planning one's actions in order to minimize the impact of taxes on one's financial situation.  As such, one of the decisions we must often address is whether or not a client should use a Roth IRA, or convert funds from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.  Generally this question is answered on an annual basis.

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